A Note to Parents & Friends

Dear family and friends of the Shalom Project,

I would like to begin by expressing what a privilege it is to have your student participate in this life changing experience. We take the trust that you place in us very seriously.

Our goal is for this trip to be a deeply enriching building block which will strengthen their walk with the Lord or possibly influence their future with a new calling on their life. We are developing global minded Christians!

We strive to insure the significance of the experience by beginning with only highly qualified faculty/staff leaders. These people have international travel experience and expertise in their field. They are men and women of God who we believe possess the strength and skills to successfully manage a team and all the possibilities they may encounter. We have also developed strong relationships with missionaries who have years of experience in hosting American teams and will assist us in every way to make their time meaningful and safe.

We focus on the preparation of the student as one of our core values essential to the experience. Upon signing the application, they must commit to participate in ALL training sessions, through a required one credit course. This course includes missional perspective, team building, cultural understanding, and ministry preparation. The Shalom Project firmly believes that a prepared heart is the most important item a student will pack. We expect our students to be nothing less than a Christ-like representative of their family, church, school and God.

While your son or daughter is on the field, communication will come in the form of updated messages on the team’s Facebook page. Students will not be able to be contacted directly or call home due to remoteness of the area, internet availability and the need to keep the focus on the mission at hand. While I am aware that is may be uncomfortable, please rest assured that in the event of an emergency, our team may be contacted through the Student Development office. Students will receive emergency contact information before departure to provide to family members.

We thank you in advance for your trust and support of the Shalom Project ministry trips program. For further discussion or concerns, feel free to call my office.

Esther Tueck
Director of Shalom Project Spiritual Development
Olivet Nazarene University